chapter 3 : oneeyeopen
04 jan / 01:04 pm
later, in the forest…
Diffractions of daylight rouse me through seams of leaf and lid.
I can only manage halfway, like like the dreamer favors sleep.
I mistrust the date. Were we in for that long? They say you never can recant what’s been gleaned from the shedding.
A show and bonus merely, was it not? Oh, but the spectacle is fading, and the Mist...
Rest for awhile and try to remember as i become aware of my mossy bed. Just before i was on top of it all, but now i might regret...
a new year to focus on the content
it’s probably too much to expect
but I’m starting to think it all may be possible
at least for now
What happened? A call, the shed, and now i’m here, disheveled amongst the trees.
My mind won’t halt, my heart can’t speak, my body forgets its will to move.
Clambering now, to the base of the hill, afterimages accompanying every step.
in the stillness, descending
there is so much more to both of us.
This wasn’t meant to be, from what they said it should be. And now i grow concerned...
life in slow motion
we keep making the same mistakes
trying to remember every moment
Like that summer when everything was coming together and falling apart again.
He yearned to feel safe, baring all for his truth, trusting perspective to build a bridge between them.
Yet the breeze burned it down and they built walls from the wreckage.
He took shelter in our tender center and dreamed of fighting for the right to never hide again.
we fear the wrath, the vice grip
we must learn to earn trust from ourselves
the passing, very shocking
tomorrow we move on
It took some time to slow my twirling and discover she was missing.
We left the shed together, did we not? There was something she said...
The call came as they all came. This one they found alone.
He was tired, so tired...
i’ll never know the rest, but her smile still flashes when i close both eyes.